Since 01.05.2021, the GCP Professional Cloud Architect certificate has been changed.
The questions are longer and it normally takes more time to understand, analyze & compare choices before answering the questions. They could also refer to the recent GCP products and services which were not really mentioned directly in learning path, i.e. Anthos, Istio…
The master case studies were also changed. Now there are 4 case studies (instead of 3 as before):
- Two new master case studies were added: Helicopter Racing League & EHR Healthcare
- Two master case studies were updated: TerramEarth & Mountkirk Games
- One master case study was removed
These master case studies are provided in long text paragraphs and high technical level and make it difficult to understand and remember even after reading hundreds of times, while you lack in time during the exam to look at them.
As I passed this new version of GCP Professional Cloud Architect (and also GCP Associate Engineer previously), I would like to share my information, experience and knowledge about GCP. I hope this will bring added values to your study, exam preparation and avoid unnecessary surprises.
A series of free YouTube clips have been released recently in my YouTube channel for this purpose:
- How I passed the new GCP Professional Cloud Architect exam
Learn 1 get 2 certificates GCP Engineer and Architect
- Brief overview about learning materials which I used
- Exam practice questions source
- Indication for readiness to sit for the certificate exam
- Full analysis of the master case studies with unique diagrams and explanations which make it much easier to understand and remember. There are also highlights on most important architecture aspects/areas with reference architecture, and also exam tips and prediction of the actual questions that could pop up in the exam.
This is useful for people with all level of skill & knowledge, even if you don’t go for the certificate exam or after passing it. From there, you can dig deeper into the direction that you are interested in.
Hybrid model for highly regulated industry insurance finance
- Helicopter Racing League FULL ANALYSIS
Streaming sport entertainment and migrate from other public cloud to GCP to take advantage of the real time analytics and advanced prediction
- TerramEarth SHORT version & Exam tips
Internet of Thing industry which requires Big Data analysis and prediction
I am still going forward with the YouTube channel and aim to share knowledge, support and promote continuous learning, and will deliver more added value clips soon.
Guest post by the author of Sun, Sea & You