Suggested Answer:ACD🗳️
A: You can configure a deny policy to automatically block sites that originate traffic that does not comply with the policy rulese 1. From Policy Manager, double-click the PCAnywhere policy. 2. Click the Properties tab. Select the Auto-block sites that attempt to connect checkbox. Reference: C: The blocked sites list shows all the sites currently blocked as a result of the rules defined in Policy Manager. From this tab, you can add sites to the temporary blocked sites list, or remove temporary blocked sites. Reference: D: You can use Policy Manager to permanently add sites to the Blocked Sites list. 1. select Setup > Default Threat Protection > Blocked Sites. 2. Click Add. The Add Site dialog box appears. Reference:
A.Use policy "block action" to auto blacklist
C.Use FSM to manual blacklist
D.Use Policy Manager(configure window)
Another way is we can right click on traffic log then select source or dest to block
and whitch has behavier follow "Dangerous Activities" will be temporary block.
PS. mean whitelist address
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2 months, 1 week agoSatornjkk
1 year, 1 month ago