The spring-boot-starter-test “Starter” (in the test scope) contains the following provided libraries:
JUnit 5: The de-facto standard for unit testing Java applications.
Spring Test & Spring Boot Test: Utilities and integration test support for Spring Boot applications.
AssertJ: A fluent assertion library.
Hamcrest: A library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates).
Mockito: A Java mocking framework.
JSONassert: An assertion library for JSON.
JsonPath: XPath for JSON.
Correct answer: B C D
Test scope dependencies
If you use the spring-boot-starter-test ‘Starter’ (in the test scope), you will find the following provided libraries:
JUnit — The de-facto standard for unit testing Java applications.
Spring Test & Spring Boot Test — Utilities and integration test support for Spring Boot applications.
AssertJ — A fluent assertion library.
Hamcrest — A library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates).
Mockito — A Java mocking framework.
JSONassert — An assertion library for JSON.
JsonPath — XPath for JSON.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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4 months agojames2033
6 months agoAzuni
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