A. By using the kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim command
kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim = kubectl delete pvc
Delete Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
To delete Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) objects in a cluster:
Run kubectl config use-context my-cluster@user to set kubectl to the cluster’s context.
Run kubectl get pvc to retrieve the cluster’s Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs).
For each PVC:
Run kubectl describe pvc <my-pvc> to identify the PV it is bound to. The PV is listed in the command output as Volume, after Status: Bound.
Run kubectl describe pv <my-pv> to describe to determine if its bound PV Reclaim Policy is Retain or Delete.
Run kubectl delete pvc <my-pvc> to delete the PVC.
If the PV reclaim policy is Retain, run kubectl delete pv <my-pvc> and then log into your cloud portal and delete the PV object there. For example, delete a vSphere CNS volume from your datastore pane > Monitor > Cloud Native Storage > Container Volumes. For more information about vSphere CNS, see Getting Started with VMware Cloud Native Storage.
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