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Exam 3V0-752 topic 1 question 67 discussion

Actual exam question from VMware's 3V0-752
Question #: 67
Topic #: 1
[All 3V0-752 Questions]

Company A decided to start using GPO to optimize PCoIP across all their Horizon 7 Desktop pools. During the Proof of Concept (POC) on the local network, there were no performance issues. The company decided to move to UAT. Access from the outside network needs to be tested. Some sales staff traveling to overseas countries, where network speed is low, have reported that the screen quality is degraded during usage.
Which setting should be recommended to retain screen quality, regardless of a user's connection?

  • A. Configure the PCoIP session bandwidth floor value.
  • B. Configure PCoIP client image cache size policy.
  • C. Turn on Build-to-Lossless feature.
  • D. Configure the maximum PCoIP bandwidth session.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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7 months, 3 weeks ago
I think its "C". To turn on the Feature, you ucan work lossless. Why? "...where network speed is low, have reported that the screen quality is degraded during usage. Which setting should be recommended to retain screen quality, regardless of a user's connection?" B. is nit right, when in use other clients as windows...
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 1 week ago
My choice is C "Turn on Build-to-Lossless feature." n network environments with constrained bandwidth, turning off the build-to-lossless feature can provide bandwidth savings. If this setting is Enabled then the build-to-lossless feature is turned on; this is recommended for environments that require images and desktop content to be built to a lossless state. https://www.teradici.com/web-help/pcoip_agent/graphics_agent/windows/19.08/admin-guide/configuring/configuring/
upvoted 3 times
10 months ago
My thought is wrong, C is not correct of course
upvoted 1 times
7 months, 4 weeks ago
why is wrong? it state to use GPO to optimize. PCoIP Client-Side Image Cache is a client side option, client for mac client for linux, client for iOS, so you wont be able to use GPO.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
B Complaint is poor screen quality (image) and turning on Build to Lossless will present a degraded image on lower speed networks, although the image will get better over time. Cache should help by storing bits of the screen locally so it does not have to wait for that data to be sent before being displayed at a higher quality. Poor question in my opinion as I would do both B & C!
upvoted 1 times
12 months ago
B is enabled by default. Moreover this can't be set from the GPO so C is the best answer available imo.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 8 months ago
I think B is better https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Horizon-Client-for-Mac/4.4/com.vmware.horizon.mac-client-44-doc/GUID-B331D3A6-9E7D-494D-90CF-69B7F1375E85.html
upvoted 2 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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