As part of the preparation for deploying VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, an administrator needs to create Application Virtual Networks (AVNs). Which three steps are necessary to complete the configuration of AVNs? (Choose three.)
B. Configure the AVNs in the NSX Manager: This is where you actually create the AVN segments, define their properties (transport type, IP ranges, etc.), and connect them to the appropriate Tier-1 gateway. NSX Manager is the central point for network configuration in VCF.
E. Define the IP address ranges for the AVNs: Each AVN needs its own dedicated IP subnet. This ensures that the Aria Suite components have the necessary IP addresses for communication and avoids conflicts with other networks.
A. Setup routing policies for AVNs: Routing policies control how traffic flows in and out of the AVNs. This might involve configuring NAT, firewall rules, or dynamic routing protocols to ensure that the Aria Suite components can communicate with other networks as needed.
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5 days, 3 hours ago