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Exam 2V0-41.24 topic 1 question 76 discussion

Actual exam question from VMware's 2V0-41.24
Question #: 76
Topic #: 1
[All 2V0-41.24 Questions]

Which two of the following parameters are required for deploying the NSX Application Platform? (Choose two.)

  • A. Interface Name
  • B. Upload XML File
  • C. Cluster Format Type
  • D. Interface Service Name
  • E. Upload Kubernetes Configuration File
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Suggested Answer: CE 🗳️


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2 weeks, 1 day ago
Selected Answer: CE
During NAPP deployment, setup will require a kubeconfig file to authenticate with the upstream Kubernetes cluster. This is usually provided by the administrator managing the Kubernetes cluster and should include all privileges to access all resources of the Kubernetes cluster. The NSX documentation provides a script to generate a non-expiring Kubeconfig as the default kubeconfig expires after 10 hours, which results in warning messages on NSX UI. To avoid these warning messages, use the following script to generate a non-expiring kubeconfig file, as listed in Table 10.4: Step 1: Login to the vSphere Tanzu Guest Kubernetes cluster using the following command: kubectl vsphere login --server <supervisor-cluster_ip> -u <user> --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name <tk-cluster-name> --tanzukubernetes-cluster-namespace <namespace>
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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