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Exam 5V0-35.21 topic 1 question 90 discussion

Actual exam question from VMware's 5V0-35.21
Question #: 90
Topic #: 1
[All 5V0-35.21 Questions]

A system administrator has been assigned a task to create a capacity policy with the following requirements:

• ESXi clusters under custom group "Database Servers" requires a CPU allocation model with overcommit ratio of 2:1

All ESXi clusters in the environment at the moment has been assigned with capacity policy for CPU allocation model with overcommit ratio of 4:1.

Which three actions should be performed to ensure that the above capacity policy is correctly applied? (Choose three.)

  • A. Edit the new policy under section Capacity, filter object type by custom group "Database Servers", and then modify Allocation model to 2:1.
  • B. Create a new policy "Database Servers", and then inherit it from Base Settings.
  • C. Edit the new policy under section Groups and Objects, and then select Custom Group "Database Servers".
  • D. Create a new policy "Database Servers", and then inherit it from the current default policy.
  • E. Edit the new policy under section Groups and Objects, and then select object type "Cluster Compute Resources".
  • F. Edit the new policy under section Capacity, filter object type by Cluster Compute Resource, and then modify Allocation model to 2:1.
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Suggested Answer: BCF 🗳️


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1 month, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: ABC
BCA. B. Create a new policy "Database Servers", and then inherit it from Base Settings. C. Edit the new policy under section Groups and Objects, and then select Custom Group "Database Servers". A. Edit the new policy under section Capacity, filter object type by custom group "Database Servers", and then modify Allocation model to 2:1. These steps will ensure that the new policy is created, associated with the correct custom group, and configured with the desired CPU allocation model https://blogs.vmware.com/management/2019/05/allocation-model-for-capacity-management-in-vrealize-operations-7-5.html
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