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Exam UiSAIv1 topic 1 question 236 discussion

Actual exam question from UiPath 's UiSAIv1
Question #: 236
Topic #: 1
[All UiSAIv1 Questions]

You are dealing with multiple choice fields for the two checkboxes in your form documents that you want to label. What is the advantage of labeling the checkboxes as two separate fields?

  • A. This approach has the advantage that you can combine the two fields which requires less data
  • B. You have two fields instead of one
  • C. Sometimes the checkbox might not be detected correctly and you may need to add more complex logic in the workflow to handle all the X, Y returned characters
  • D. The balance matters a lot less even if one of the options is checked 80% of the time the model still learns to recognize them because the checkboxes are always in the same place
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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5 days, 23 hours ago
Selected Answer: D
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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