What distinguishes the Settings sheet from the Assets sheet in the “Config.xisx’ file?
Settings sheet contains Credential Assets stored in Orchestrator. Assets sheet contains hard-coded values.
Settings sheet contains only values used for the initialization of applications. Assets sheet contains only Credential Assets stored in Orchestrator
Settings sheet contains hard-coded values. Assets sheet contains all names of Orchestrator Assets except those of type Credential
Settings sheet contains hard-coded values. Assets sheet contains all names of Orchestrator Assets including those of type Credential
The Assets sheet has a Asset of text type by the GetAsset activity. Credentials cannot be obtained with this activity, so specify the asset name in the Settings sheet and obtain it separately with GetCredentials.
There are four types of assets:
Text - stores only strings (it is not required to add quotation marks)
Bool - supports true or false values
Integer - stores only whole numbers
Credential - contains usernames and passwords that the Robot requires to execute particular processes.
C is the correct answer because you need to put credential asset in settings sheet
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1 month, 1 week agoMotherOfHarryPotter
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