What are the requirements that must be fulfilled by a package containing only the serving component?
A folder containing the main.py file which implements the__init_ (self), train(self, training_directory), and predict(self, input) functions, and the requirements.txt file which lists the dependencies needed to run the model.
A folder containing the main.py file which implements the__init_ (self) and predict(self, input) functions.
A folder containing the main.py file which implements the__init_ (self), evaluate(self, evaluation_directory), and predict(self, input) functions, and the requirements.txt file which lists the dependencies needed to run the model.
A folder containing the main.py file which implements the__init_ (self) and predict(self, input) functions, and the requirements.txt file which lists the dependencies needed to run the model.
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1 week, 2 days ago