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Exam UiARD topic 8 question 89 discussion

Actual exam question from UiPath 's UiARD
Question #: 2
Topic #: 8
[All UiARD Questions]

A developer automates a process which has an Excel file as input data; however, Orchestrator is not available. As a result, the developer needs to adapt the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework for use with tabular data.
Based on UiPath best practices, where should the Excel file be read and stored in a global DataTable variable?

  • A. In the new state in the Main.xaml that transitions from Init.
  • B. In the InitAllApplications.xaml workflow.
  • C. In the Get Transaction Data state in the Main.xaml.
  • D. In the Ina state of the Main.xaml in the First Run sequence.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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3 weeks, 6 days ago
Selected Answer: C
answer is C. Used to be A in older versions but latest version of the REframework the documentation on it explicitely explains it is C on page 34: n GetTransactionData.xaml, other than changing the type of out_TransactionItem to DataRow, delete the existing Get Transaction Item activity, since this example does not use Orchestrator queues. Two checks are necessary to correctly retrieve transaction items in this case, and they are implemented as follows: a. Add an If activity that checks whether the data source was initialized with the condition io_dt_TransactionData Is Nothing (Figure 18). If it was not initialized, read the spreadsheet from the designated Excel file by using the Read Range activity and the path defined in the configuration file: in_Config(“SampleDataFilepath”).ToString.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: D
It's in the init state but it's bad written
upvoted 1 times
7 months ago
The answer C 100% from the academy. Please revise before misleading people
upvoted 2 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: C
Get transaction Data state
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: C
Sorry the answer is C. https://academy.uipath.com/learningpath-viewer/8411/1/509650/30
upvoted 4 times
1 year, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C is correct
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: B
Summary Robotic Enterprise Framework configured and optimized to get the input data from a tabular data source, such as an Excel or CSV file. Overview This template can be used as a starting point for automating processes where the input data comes from an Excel file or other tabular data. The project was created starting from the standard Robotic Enterprise Framework, available in UiPath Studio starting with version 2018.1. Several changes were made: TransactionItem variable type changed to DataRow, instead of QueueItem. Input data is read in the Init state and kept in memory in the TransactionData variable. GetTransactionData workflow was changed accordingly to get a DataRow from input data based in Transaction Number.
upvoted 2 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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