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Exam OG0-091 topic 1 question 175 discussion

Actual exam question from The Open Group's OG0-091
Question #: 175
Topic #: 1
[All OG0-091 Questions]

Which one of the following is an objective of Phase A, Architecture Vision?

  • A. Defining architecture principles
  • B. Defining relationships between management frameworks
  • C. Defining the enterprise
  • D. Evaluating the enterprise architecture maturity
  • E. Identifying stakeholders and their concerns
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Suggested Answer: E 🗳️


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5 months, 1 week ago
The steps in Phase A are as follows: 6.3.1 Establish the Architecture Project 6.3.2 Identify Stakeholders, Concerns, and Business Requirements 6.3.3 Confirm and Elaborate Business Goals, Business Drivers, and Constraints 6.3.4 Evaluate Capabilities 6.3.5 Assess Readiness for Business Transformation 6.3.6 Define Scope 6.3.7 Confirm and Elaborate Architecture Principles, including Business Principles 6.3.8 Develop Architecture Vision 6.3.9 Define the Target Architecture Value Propositions and KPIs 6.3.10 Identify the Business Transformation Risks and Mitigation Activities 6.3.11 Develop Statement of Architecture Work; Secure Approval
upvoted 1 times
11 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: E
6.3.2 Identify Stakeholders, Concerns, and Business Requirements Identify the key stakeholders and their concerns/objectives, and define the key business requirements to be addressed in the architecture engagement. Stakeholder engagement at this stage is intended to accomplish three objectives: To identify candidate vision components and requirements to be tested as the Architecture Vision is developed To identify candidate scope boundaries for the engagement to limit the extent of architectural investigation required To identify stakeholder concerns, issues, and cultural factors that will shape how the architecture is presented and communicated
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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