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Exam OG0-092 topic 1 question 7 discussion

Actual exam question from The Open Group's OG0-092
Question #: 7
Topic #: 1
[All OG0-092 Questions]

Scenario: Armstrong Defense Industries
Armstrong Defense Industries is the prime contractor for the Dreadnought Unmanned Aircraft System program.
Over the course of this contract, the company has grown rapidly by acquisition and has inherited numerous different procurement processes and related IT systems. Armstrong Defense is moving aggressively to consolidate and reduce redundant procurement processes and systems. The CEO has announced that the company will seek to leverage higher volume discounts and lower related IT support costs by instituting a preferred supplier program.
To achieve this goal, Armstrong Defense needs to define Baseline and Target Architectures. These architectures must address key stakeholders concerns such as:
1. What groups of people should be involved in procurement-related business processes?
2. What current applications do those groups use?
3. Which procurement-related business processes are supported by zero, one, or many existing applications?
4. What are the overall lifetimes of the Request for Proposal and Purchase Order business objects?
5. What non-procurement applications will need to be integrated with any new procurement applications?
6. What data will need to be shared?
At present, there are no particularly useful architectural assets related to this initiative. All assets need to be acquired and customized or created from scratch. The company prefers to implement existing package applications from systems vendors with little customization.
The architecture development project has just completed its Architecture Context iteration cycle and is about to begin the Architecture Definition iteration cycle.
Armstrong Defense is using TOGAF for its internal Enterprise Architecture activities. It uses an iterative approach for executing Architecture Development Method
(ADM) projects.
You are serving as the Lead Architect.
You have been asked to identify the most appropriate architecture viewpoints for this situation.
Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?

  • A. In the early iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Baseline Business Process catalog "¢ Describe the Baseline Application Architecture with a Technology Portfolio catalog "¢ Describe the Baseline Data Architecture with a Data diagram In the later iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Target Business Architecture with an Actor/Process/Data catalog "¢ Describe the Target Application Architecture with a System/Technology matrix "¢ Describe the Target Data Architecture with a Data Dissemination diagram
  • B. In the early iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog and a Business Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the key business objects with Product Lifecycle diagrams "¢ Describe the Target Application Architecture with Application Communication diagrams and an Application Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the Target Data Architecture with a Data Entity/Business Function matrix and a System/Data matrix In the later iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog and a Business Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the Baseline Application Architecture with a System/Organization matrix and a System/Function matrix "¢ Describe the Baseline Data Architecture with a Data Entity/Data Component catalog
  • C. In the early iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog and an Organization/Actor catalog "¢ Describe the key business objects with Data Lifecycle diagrams "¢ Describe the Target Application Architecture with Application Communication diagrams and an Application Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the Target Data Architecture with a System/Data matrix In the later iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog and a Business Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Application and User Location diagram and a System/Function matrix "¢ Describe the Baseline Data Architecture with a Data Entity/Data Component catalog
  • D. In the early iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Baseline Business Architecture with an Organization/Actor catalog "¢ Describe the Baseline Application Architecture with a System/Function matrix "¢ Describe the Baseline Data Architecture using a Data Entity/Data Component catalog In the later iterations of the Architecture Definition: "¢ Describe the Target Business Architecture with en Organization/Actor catalog "¢ Describe the Target Application Architecture using Application Communication diagrams end an Application Interaction matrix "¢ Describe the Target Data Architecture with a System/Data matrix
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years, 7 months ago
CONTINUED FROM ABOVE: A: Incorrect: No such thing as a “business process catalog”. Technology portfolio catalog describes the technology architecture and NOT the application architecture. B: Correct. The artifact matchup to the phases. The question is whether this is target or baseline first. The answer has target first. Since it's a COT that might be okay.This also has the most thorough analysis (i.e., artifacts) for the business architecture phase. C: Incorrect. This has the Data Lifecycle diagram describe the business which is incorrect (it describes the data). D: Possible. Baseline first approach. It only describes the biz arch with an “organization actor matrix” which is “thin” for this phase. Based on this I believe B is correct answer primarily has it has a fuller set of artifacts describing the business then answer B.
upvoted 10 times
Most Recent 5 months, 1 week ago
However, the choice between B and C is a tough one. Is this a real-life question? I have not taken the exam yet but it seems that this kind of question is a disservice to TOGAF if they try to qualify/disqualify an answer on extremely narrow considerations.
upvoted 2 times
5 months, 1 week ago
It has to be target first. The reason for that is that Armstrong has multiple architectures which are quite likely to be out of sync with each other or may even be contrary. To understand all baseline architectures and looking for the common denominators will be a poor use of time and may even be unattainable.
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 1 week ago
Correct answer is B. Define the target architecture first along with their correct viewpoints (which are translated via artifacts). Then move on with the baseline architecture. Explanation: Let's say Armstrong Defense decides to start with a "baseline first" approach. This means they focus on describing the current state of their procurement-related business processes and IT systems before defining the target architecture. Choosing a "baseline first" approach in this situation may lead to challenges in setting a clear direction, making informed decisions, and effectively aligning stakeholder concerns with the company's strategic objectives. The lack of a target architecture upfront can result in inefficiencies, delays in decision making, and difficulties in achieving the desired outcomes. TOGAF 18.4 Says "Target First: This process is suitable when a target state is agreed at a high level and where the enterprise wishes to effectively transition to the target model."
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
Answer is B I think key business objects = key entities According to TOGAF, the purpose of the Product Lifecycle diagram is to assist in understanding the lifecycles of key entities within the enterprise. Target first because, the company has clear target to achieve - "The company is moving aggressively to consolidate and reduce redundant procurement processes and systems."
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Came in exam appeared last week. Selected B as the answer. Got 100%.
upvoted 4 times
1 year, 2 months ago
My Opinion C. There are no architecture assets - creating from Scartch -> Target first. (B and C remains) . C has corrupted Data Lifecycle Diagram definition. B ist the correct one.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
I think it would be C. since we are also since we also need to identify the user through organization/User catlog. this is available in the option C
upvoted 2 times
2 years, 5 months ago
Answer is B... Togaf includes the concept of "Baseline first" and "Target first" for architecture development (18.4). https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/chap18.html
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 11 months ago
based on the section - its Baseline first, then how is the answer 'target First' ? Please explain.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 7 months ago
B is correct. There are arguments for both Baseline and Target architect first in this scenario. They question they mention include “who is using what system” that infers that everything is not known about the systems / architecture. That leads to a recommended baseline first approach. However, they also mention preferring to use third party packages. If the solution is known (i.e., a third-party package) then that lead to using a target first approach. Apart from that the merits of each answer are as follows: CONTINUED BELOW:
upvoted 4 times
2 years, 7 months ago
In think we should start with baseline arch first in this scenario.
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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