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Exam OG0-093 topic 1 question 38 discussion

Actual exam question from The Open Group's OG0-093
Question #: 38
Topic #: 1
[All OG0-093 Questions]

Which of the following best describes an approach for adapting the ADM in the situation where the business case for doing architecture is not well recognized?

  • A. Completion of the Business Architecture should follow the Information Systems Architecture
  • B. Create an Architecture Vision and then a detailed Business Architecture
  • C. Produce a "cut-down" version of the ADM suitable to the resources available
  • D. Tailor the ADM in conjunction with another architecture framework that has deliverables specific to the vertical sector
  • E. Tailor the ADM to reflect the relationships with, and dependencies on other management processes within the organization
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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4 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
Adapting the ADM: One reason for wanting to adapt the ADM, which it is important to stress, is that the order of the phases in the ADM is to some extent dependent on the maturity of the architecture discipline within the enterprise concerned. For example, if the business case for doing architecture at all is not well recognized, then creating an Architecture Vision is almost always essential; and a detailed Business Architecture often needs to come next, in order to underpin the Architecture Vision, detail the business case for remaining architecture work, and secure the active participation of key stakeholders in that work. In other cases a slightly different order may be preferred; for example, a detailed inventory of the baseline environment may be done before undertaking the Business Architecture. https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf8-doc/arch/chap03.html
upvoted 2 times
Correct Answer 4.3 Adapting the ADM One reason for wanting to adapt the ADM, which it is important to stress, is that the order of the phases in the ADM is to some extent dependent on the maturity of the architecture discipline within the enterprise. For example, if the business case for doing architecture at all is not well recognized, then creating an Architecture Vision is almost always essential; and a detailed Business Architecture often needs to come next, in order to underpin the Architecture Vision, detail the business case for remaining architecture work, and secure the active participation of key stakeholders in that work. In other cases a slightly different order may be preferred; for example, a detailed inventory of the baseline environment may be done before undertaking the Business Architecture.
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2 years, 2 months ago
Reference: "For example, if the business case for doing architecture at all is not well recognized, then creating an Architecture Vision is almost always essential; and a detailed Business Architecture often needs to come next, in order to underpin the Architecture Vision, detail the business case for remaining architecture work, and secure the active participation of key stakeholders in that work. In other cases a slightly different order may be preferred; for example, a detailed inventory of the baseline environment may be done before undertaking the Business Architecture." Link : https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf8-doc/arch/chap03.html
upvoted 4 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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