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Exam NREMT topic 1 question 13 discussion

Actual exam question from Test Prep's NREMT
Question #: 13
Topic #: 1
[All NREMT Questions]

You are transporting an elderly male patient in respiratory distress with a history of COPD...
The patient has very shallow, rapid respirations with minimal chest wall motion and slight wheezing in the upper lung fields. Given this situation, what would you expect the arterial carbon dioxide levels to be?

  • A. Not enough information to determine
  • B. Normal
  • C. Lowered
  • D. Elevated
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️
The patient would be hypercapnic as he is probably only ventilating dead space. The patient is not breathing deep enough for air exchange to occur in the alveoli, hence the elevated levels of carbon dioxide.


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5 months, 2 weeks ago
i agree with Jollywolly, answer should be elevated
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 5 months ago
The answer for this is NOT lower but Elevated.
upvoted 3 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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