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Exam GMAT Section 3 Verbal Ability topic 2 question 25 discussion

Actual exam question from Test Prep's GMAT Section 3 Verbal Ability
Question #: 25
Topic #: 2
[All GMAT Section 3 Verbal Ability Questions]

Arthur: Do animals have rights? Well, they have feelings, and I think if you can feel pain, you do have some rights, particularly the right not to have pain inflicted on you.
Brandon: Animals like lions would kill me if they were hungry for food. That inflicts pain on me, all right!
Which of the following is the best criticism of Brandons response?

  • A. He assumes that because some animals kill humans, humans have a right to kill those animals.
  • B. He does not give specific examples to support his position.
  • C. He attacks Arthur rather than addressing the issue.
  • D. He takes an absolute position without allowing for exceptions.
  • E. He brings in a different issue rather than addressing the question of whether or not animals have rights.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️
Brandon does not directly address the issue of whether or not animals have rights. Instead, he brings in another issue whether or not animals would kill him if they were hungry for food and thus shifts the argument to his pain rather than the right of animals to be free of pain. Thus, the best criticism of this argument is that Brandon brings in a red herring. Brandons response is not based on any assumption about human beings right to kill animals, so choice a is incorrect. He does give one specific example (lions), so choice b is incorrect. He does not attack Arthur, so choice c is incorrect. Finally, he does not make an absolute statement including all animals, so choice d is also incorrect.


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4 years, 5 months ago
E Is right, though the explanation is right, it is highlighting the wrong answer here.
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B (20%)
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