I agree that the correct answer is B and not C. Here is why:
Pronunciation might not group variations like "John_smith" and "John, Smith" because they differ significantly in spelling and format.
Spelling focuses on minor differences in spelling but might not handle different delimiters (like underscores, commas, spaces, and hyphens) effectively.
Manual Selection would require you to manually select and group each variation, which isn't automatic.
The Common Characters option looks for similar sequences of characters within the names, making it effective at grouping variations such as "John, Smith", "John_smith", "John Smith", and "John-smith" automatically.
Answer is B
Common Characters: Find and group values that have letters or numbers in common. This option uses the ngram fingerprint algorithm that indexes words by their unique characters after removing punctuation, duplicates, and whitespace. This algorithm works for any supported language. This option isn't available for data roles.
For example, this algorithm would match names that are represented as "John Smith" and "Smith, John" because they both generate the key "hijmnost". Since this algorithm doesn't consider pronunciation, the value "Tom Jhinois" would have the same key "hijmnost" and would also be included in the group.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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2 months, 1 week agoMonBouj
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