read the question carefully, which ENTERPRISE offering , only splunk heavy forwwader comes with its own license. I know because i work fro splunk and sell splunk .
Answer is C:
Directly from the Splunk site:
License for a forwarder, which is a Splunk Enterprise instance that forwards data to another Splunk Enterprise server or to a third-party system.
Splunk Enterprise offers several forwarder licensing options:
The universal forwarder package includes its own license. The license is enabled or applied automatically. This license allows forwarding but not indexing of unlimited data, and also enables security on the forwarder so that users must supply a user name and password to access it.
The heavy forwarder should have access to an Enterprise license stack if you plan to perform indexing on the forwarder or to enable authentication on the forwarder.
Correct answer is "C"
Under Data Administration course --> Module3 Forwarder Configuration --> Understanding Universal forwarder --> It is mentioned that UF provided a separate installation binary with built in license (no limit)
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