If an update is made to an attribute in inputs.conf on a universal forwarder, on which Splunk component would the fishbucket need to be reset in order to reindex the data?
Agreed B. Quoting the Splunk Reference URL https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/tips-and-tricks/what-is-this-fishbucket-thing.html
"Every Splunk instance has a fishbucket index, except the lightest of hand-tuned lightweight forwarders, and if you index a lot of files it can get quite large. As any other index, you can change the retention policy to control the size via indexes.conf"
Correct Answer is B
1. Delete old data on indexers
2. Change inputs.conf on deployment server (or forwarders)
3. Reset the fishbucket checkpoint on the involved forwarders
4 Restart Splunk forwarders
Option A is incorrect because resetting the fishbucket on the indexer would not have any effect on the universal forwarder.
Option C is incorrect because resetting the fishbucket on the search head is not necessary in this scenario.
Option D is incorrect because the deployment server is used to manage and distribute configurations to forwarders, but resetting the fishbucket would need to be done on the forwarder itself.
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