A is correct. If you look on the Alerts page in a Splunk instance, the options to filter triggered alerts are:
App, Owner, Severity and Alert ( version 9.11)
D is Correct, as On the Triggered Alerts page, details appear in the following categories:
Time: Trigger date and time.
Fired alerts: Triggered alert name(s).
App: Alert app context.
Type: Alert type.
Severity: Assigned alert severity level. Severity levels can help you sort or filter alerts on this page.
Mode: Alert triggering configuration mode. "Per-result" means that the alert triggered because of a single event. "Digest" means that the alert triggered because of a group of events.
In the new Splunk versions you can only filter by Owner and App, but the PDF is based on an older version thus you can filter by App, Owner, Severity and Type(Alert), page 224 PDF Splunk Fundamentals 1, so the right aswer is A
On the Alerts page, there's a Title, Actions, Owner, App, Sharing, and Status column for each alert, but not for Severity or Time Window. In the Splunk documentation, you can filter TRIGGERED alerts by App, Owner, Severity, and Alert (alert name). So is there a typo or omitted phrase in this question? Or are none of the answers correct?
there is no owner Time Trigger date and time.
Fired alerts Triggered alert name(s).
App Alert app context.
Type Alert type.
Severity Assigned alert severity level. Severity levels can help you sort or filter alerts on this page.
Mode Alert triggering configuration mode. "Per-result" means that the alert triggered because of a single event. "Digest" means that the alert triggered because of a group of events
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