Performing DML operations, such as:
Updating rows in tables (DELETE , INSERT , UPDATE).
Loading data into tables (COPY INTO <table>).
Unloading data from tables (COPY INTO <location>)
Performing DML operations, such as:
Updating rows in tables (DELETE , INSERT , UPDATE). (Answer D)
Loading data into tables (COPY INTO <table>).
Unloading data from tables (COPY INTO <location>). (Answer A)
a warehouse must be running and in use for the session.
Cannot be D. Altering table does not require a compute. Alter table is not altering data. its altering the definition. like changing Column type, removing a column or adding a new column. basically CREATE, ALTER. not the DML.
A also cannot be correct. They said downloading data. it did not say clearly that Loading/Unloading data. downloading could be a downloading a file from internal stage to local machine.
Not sure if materialized view will require a running cluster as data is already computed and may reside in cache. But alter table will definitely require a running cluster.
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