Couldn't find any information where storage of a user is explained/showed. Tables in Account Usage view related to storage are (database, stage, table): DATABASE_STORAGE_USAGE_HISTORY, STAGE_STORAGE_USAGE_HISTORY, STORAGE_USAGE, TABLE_STORAGE_METRICS
We can get User info too. The Account Usage view can be used to query a list of all users in the account. The data is retained for 365 days (1 year).
It is about storage information. We can see information related to users, such as queries accessed by a particular user, or how many logins and when did the user logged, but there is not such case of storage information related to an used.
Internal Stages comsume storage and the storage consumed can be found in the SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.STAGE_STORAGE_USAGE_HISTORY.
Storage consumed by tables and databases can be found in SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.TABLE_STORAGE_METRICS in which we have the table name and the database name included in them.
It store view for all object contained in the database as well as view for account level objects such as role warehouse
It store table functions for historical and usage data across your account.
Select * from table (infirmation_schema.login_history_by_user(USER_NAME => 'user')) gives you login user information
A is also one of the correct option.There are table functions stored in information schema which can be used to get historical information for storage, warehouse, user logins and queries. Login_history, login_history_by_user (data retention 7 days)
The question is related to "Storage Information". Users do not have storage either as an object or data they hold (roles own items). Therefore users is not an option.
Well, having painstakingly checked the 2 schema, both information_schema and account_usage hvae Tables, Databases and stages. Though there is the USERS VIEW in account_usage schema, there is no such view in INFORMATION _SCHEMA. Therefore, I will argue that B,C,D are correct.
Ans is ABC. As I can see only external stages while running below query:
I am able to get the user details using below query
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