The answer is B - False -
The auto-suspension setting of the warehouse can have a direct impact on query performance because the cache is dropped when the warehouse is suspended.
The answer is B. Question is not about can a user query utilize the data from cache. Its about running query against a stored query result cahce. That is not possible. User has no option to do anything with cached results.
You cannot run a query against cache, if you run the exact same query that some else previously ran, snowflake has the capability to retrieve the result from cache without running a warehouse, but non user can see others users query results.
A is not true. The SELECT statement requires warehouse. The result set can be retrieved if data is not changed, not use some functions and etc.. but in any case, you can't use a select statement without a warehouse
I upvoted this because it intuitively makes sense. But then I tested it in Snowflake and I was able to retrieve a result from the result cache using a SELECT while using a suspended warehouse (without auto resume). So A is indeed the correct answer.
Answer: A.
This question was answered in Snowflake community forums here
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