A database is a logical grouping of schemas. Each database belongs to a single Snowflake account.
A schema is a logical grouping of database objects (tables, views, etc.). Each schema belongs to a single database.
Joe Kokomo has a Snowflake account.
Joe has a car dealership in New York. Joe's database is named JOE_DB.
pronounded JODIE-B.
Joe Piscapo has a Snowflake account.
Joe has a car dealership in Nebraska. Joes' database is named JOE_DB.
pronounced JODIE-B.
These databases contain the exact same data.
3000 rows of data purchased from Car Dealers Consortium in Denver CO.
Same name.
Same physical properties.
Same content.
Different accounts.
The question is 'can the same database exist in more than1 Snowflake account'.
100% of you say no.
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Highly Voted 3 years agotharangaweer
Most Recent 3 weeks agoRad1941
5 months agoMallikharjuna452
7 months, 1 week agoAnireddySaikiranReddy
12 months ago_yyukta
1 year agoFeb01
1 year, 1 month agoKHarish
1 year, 2 months agoShanvi_27
1 year, 4 months agoMultiCloudIronMan
1 year, 7 months agoRavi9292
1 year, 7 months agoinstride
1 year, 8 months agoMayuri917233
1 year, 9 months agoc0d3g
1 year, 9 months agoNiranjanData
2 years, 1 month agoTapasgup007
2 years, 2 months agoPercy2112
2 years, 6 months ago