A deterministic query is run at 8am, takes 5 minutes, and the results are cached. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.)
The exact query will ALWAYS return the precomputed result set for the RESULT_CACHE_ACTIVE = time period
The same exact query will return the precomputed results if the underlying data hasn't changed and the results were last accessed within previous 24 hour period
The same exact query will return the precomputed results even if the underlying data has changed as long as the results were last accessed within the previous 24 hour period
The ג€24 hourג€ timer on the precomputed results gets renewed every time the exact query is executed
B -Snowflake's result cache will return the precomputed results if the data has not changed and the cached results are still valid (within 24 hours of the last access).
D- Every time the query is executed, the 24-hour timer for the cached results is reset, extending the validity of the cached results.
BD I think, but bad wording on B: "previous" 24 hours would mean before the original query was run, so taken literally this is incorrect but I think they mean the next 24 hours.
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