ABCE : Shares and Users cannot be cloned in Snowflake because they represent different types of objects and have different purposes.
Shares represent shared access to data within Snowflake, and they cannot be cloned because access to data is controlled through the sharing mechanism, not through copying the share itself.
Users represent individual accounts within Snowflake, and they cannot be cloned because each user account must have a unique name and must be associated with a unique set of permissions. Cloning a user would result in two users with the same name, which is not allowed in Snowflake.
Instead of cloning Shares or Users, you can use the Snowflake GRANT command to manage access to data and permissions in Snowflake. The GRANT command allows you to control access to data by granting specific privileges to users, roles, or groups.
answer: ABCE
Below is the list of all objects which can be CLONED** in Snowflake.
Data Containment Objects
Data Configuration and Transformation Objects
File Formats
Note: Internal named stages cannot be cloned.
Creates a copy of an existing object in the system. This command is primarily used for creating zero-copy clones of databases, schemas, and tables; however, it can also be used to quickly/easily create clones of other schema objects , such as external stages, file formats, and sequences, and database roles.
Below are the items we can clone according to chatgpt :
Stored Proc
User Defined Func
So the correct answer is A,C,D,E
ABCE is the right answer
To break it down Database, Schemas and Tables can be clone(no brainer). Users cannot be cloned like the above objects. Shares cannot be clone and no where in the docs mentioned about this cloning. The only one remaining from the choice is Named File Format.
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