A support agent resolves an incident associated with an alert, but the alert does automatically close even though the evt_mgmt.incident_closes_alert property is set appropriately to close the alert. What is the most likely cause of this issue?
The support agent does not have the evt_mgmt_user role.
The support agent only has the evt_mgmt_admin role.
The support agent has the evt_mgmt_operator role, but not the evt_mgmt_user role.
The support agent has the evt_mgmt_user role, but not the evt_mgmt_operator role.
Answer is 'B'. Having only evt_mgmt_admin role causes this problem. Agent should also have either evt_mgmt_user or evt_mgmt_operator role as mentioned in document -
Question is worded erroneously, should be "A support agent resolves an incident associated with an alert, but the alert does NOT automatically close even though the evt_mgmt.incident_closes_alert property is set appropriately to close the alert."
Based on that question, correct answer is A (only evt_mgmt_user is needed).
Changing to A after reading this: https://docs.servicenow.com/en-US/bundle/utah-it-operations-management/page/product/event-management/task/t_EMResolveCloseIncidentAlert.html
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3 months, 3 weeks agoMrBravo
7 months agoKondorZw
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1 year agoshkrbkr03
1 year, 1 month agodenisetaylor68
1 year, 3 months agoChrisflores15
1 year, 4 months agoChrisflores15
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