D is the right answer. When you search for 'service' all applications and modules that contain 'service' would appear. Incident>assigned to me will not appear because it does not contain service.
D is correct, quick way to see all other options have "Service" in it
Incidents won't show up, Self-Service> My Incidents will show However "Incident" Modules and assigned to me wont be there.
The answer is D. If you test in your own PDI and use CTRL/CMD + F to verify, you'll see that "Business Services" does show up when you look up "service" in the Filter Navigator but "Incidents > Assigned to me" does *not*
D is correct:
I have just tested this in my personal instance, Service Portfolio Management>Business Service DOES show up: https://i.imgur.com/AvAWZEM.png.
D is correct. Service Portfolio management > Business Services does show up. I just tried in an instance. Please check the functionality before posting misleading answers.
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