When adding a related list to a form, you choose the related list from the list collector. What is an example of a related list you might see on the list collector? (Choose three.)
A. Problem==Parent - Problem alone re. list is not given but Problem Task
B. HR Case->Parent - correct
C. Catalog Task->Parent - correct
D. Outage->Task number - correct
E. Release Phase==Parent - == / ->
Chat GPT choose ACD, and I am with in :
These options indicate the relationships between the records. For example:
Problem->Parent: Shows related problems where the current record is the parent.
Catalog Task->Parent: Displays catalog tasks related to the parent record.
Outage->Task number: Lists outages associated with a specific task number.
I see in the related list : Problem->Parent but the operator == is not their anymore, I see also outage-> Task number and Catalog Task-> Parent so for me CD I see them but HR Case not their anymore and for Release Phase-> Parent is their but the operator == no. so for me I am sure with CD
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