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Exam CAS-PA topic 1 question 70 discussion

Actual exam question from ServiceNow's CAS-PA
Question #: 70
Topic #: 1
[All CAS-PA Questions]

You have the following configuration:
• Indicator Average age open incidents with two Breakdowns:
o Assignment Group Manager
o Assignment Group

You have this new requirement:
• When navigating the Average age open incidents Indicator and drilling into an Assignment Group Manager Breakdown element, the viewer should see the groups managed by the selected manager.

Which is the best way to achieve the desired result?

  • A. Create a Breakdown relation between the Assignment Group Manager and the Assignment Group breakdowns.
  • B. Create a separate Indicator for each manager and apply additional conditions to the Indicator to only include incidents where they are the Assignment Group manager.
  • C. Create a script that runs against the Breakdown, where the elements are filtered to show only the manager’s groups.
  • D. Modify the “Average age open incidents” Indicator to add an additional condition that applies a dynamic filter, based on the logged in manager.
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Suggested Answer: A 🗳️


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5 months ago
The best way to achieve the desired result is: A. Create a Breakdown relation between the Assignment Group Manager and the Assignment Group breakdowns. Breakdown relations link two breakdowns together, allowing you to drill down from one breakdown into related elements of another. By establishing this relation, when a user drills into an Assignment Group Manager Breakdown element, the system can dynamically filter the subsequent view to show only those Assignment Groups that are related to the selected manager. This leverages existing functionality within Performance Analytics without the need for custom scripting or multiple indicators.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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