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Exam CAS-PA topic 1 question 25 discussion

Actual exam question from ServiceNow's CAS-PA
Question #: 25
Topic #: 1
[All CAS-PA Questions]

You have created a new Breakdown. When trying to associate the new Breakdown to existing Indicators, you see that no Indicators are available. What might be the issue preventing you from adding the indicators to the new Breakdown?

  • A. The indicator facts table is not included in the Breakdown mappings.
  • B. The Indicators are configured incorrectly.
  • C. Custom tables do not allow Breakdowns.
  • D. The Breakdown field is not on the form for the facts table.
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5 months ago
The issue preventing you from adding the indicators to the new Breakdown is likely: A. The indicator facts table is not included in the Breakdown mappings. For a Breakdown to be associated with existing Indicators, the Breakdown mappings need to include the facts table used by those Indicators. If the facts table isn't included in the mappings for the Breakdown, the system won't be able to establish the necessary relationships, thus preventing the association of the Indicators with the new Breakdown. This is a common configuration oversight that can be corrected by ensuring the facts table is properly included in the Breakdown mappings.
upvoted 3 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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