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Exam CIS-FSM topic 1 question 49 discussion

Actual exam question from ServiceNow's CIS-FSM
Question #: 49
Topic #: 1
[All CIS-FSM Questions]

In the Auto-Assignment Confirmation pop up window, what is the category of a previously assigned task which was unassigned, but, then, could not be assigned to any agent?

  • A. Not Assigned
  • B. Unassigned
  • C. Reassigned
  • D. Assigned
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Suggested Answer: A 🗳️


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1 month, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: A
from the book Field Service Managment chapter 3.6 Confirm Assignment Pop-Up Window Categories " When you select the Auto Assign UI action, tasks get sorted into categories: Assigned: Dynamic scheduling can find a suitable agent and recommends the task for assignment. Unassigned: Dynamic scheduling is not able to find a suitable agent and the task remains unassigned. Reassigned: Tasks that were previously assigned and have been reassigned to a different agent or time slot to allow for the asignment of the selected tasks. Not Assigned: Tasks that were previously assigned, have been unassigned to allow for the assignment of the selected tasks, and have not yet been reassigned. Selected tasks that do not match the task filter also appear in the Not Assigned category. "
upvoted 1 times
8 months ago
n the Auto-Assignment Confirmation pop-up window, a task that was previously assigned, then unassigned, and could not be assigned to any agent falls under the category "Not Assigned". This category includes tasks that have been unassigned to allow for the assignment of selected tasks and have not yet been reassigned​​.
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1 year, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: B
Answer is 'Unassigned' --> check 'B2' A) Assigned vs. Reassigned 1) A task is listed under Assigned category is an agent was found for one or more of the tasks. 2) If a previously assigned task was unassigned to make way for an input task and then assigned, it is in the Reassigned category. B) Not Assigned vs. Unassigned 1) A task is listed under Not Assigned category if no agent was found for one of the tasks. 2) If a previously assigned task was unassigned to make way for an input task and then it could not be assigned to any agent, it is listed under Unassigned category. Source : FSM ebook - (p.203) https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/vancouver-field-service-management/page/product/field-service-management/concept/dynamic-sched-confirm-assignment.html
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 4 months ago
Correct answer A
upvoted 2 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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