Expense lines are automatically generated by a scheduled job for costs incurred between the rate card Start date and End date. The scheduled job, Process FM Costs, runs on the Contract [ast_contract] table once per day. Expense lines are only generated from contracts with the Active or Expired state. You may want to generate expense lines for expired contracts to track previous expenses.
How do you generate expense lines? By default, a scheduled job called Process FM Costs runs nightly to determine if
any rate cards need to be applied to generate expense lines. If the schedule needs to
be adjusted, an administrator can navigate to System Scheduler > Scheduled Jobs
> Scheduled Jobs, find the Process FM Costs job, and change the schedule. To
process the job right away, change the Next action date to sometime in the past.
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2 months, 1 week agomarka_1267
3 months agostophs
8 months, 2 weeks agoBanaLunda
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