Here is an example of the criteria set for a knowledge base: • Companies: ACME North America • Departments: HR • Groups: ACME Managers • Match All: Yes
In this example, what users would have access to this knowledge base?
Members of the ACME Manager group, who are also members of HR Department and part of ACME North America
Employees of ACME North America, who are members of HR Department or the ACME Managers group
Users which are members of either ACME North America, or HR Department, or ACME Managers group
Members of the ACME Managers group, and HR department, regardless of geography
None of the above? Seems to be a common thing on these questions. A is close but the group name is specified as Mangers but the answer says Manager so.....
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1 month, 2 weeks agomanikanta_gnbv
8 months agodnbly
1 year agoPappyFox
1 year, 4 months ago