An event runs automatically each night to send reminders to contract administrators about contract expiration dates so they can renew or renegotiate the contract. This email is sent at the following times:
90 days ahead of the contract expiration date
60 days ahead of the contract expiration date
30 days ahead of the contract expiration date
On the contract expiration date
One of the most important aspects of contract management is to be aware when the contracts are due to expire so you can determine whether to renew, adjust (e.g., extend), or let the contract expire.
C is correct p 319 Tokyo Book "One of the most important aspects of contract management is to be aware when the contracts are due to expire so you can detemrine whether to renew, adjust"
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8 months, 3 weeks agoJBurns1979
11 months, 2 weeks agomarka_1267
1 year agoSantosh1306
1 year, 3 months agoSweeetPotato
1 year, 6 months agoKondorZw
1 year, 7 months ago