Which one of the following best describes the process that Service Mapping uses to run a command on a target device?
Service Mapping provides a task with the command that the MID Server collects, the MID Server executes the command on the target device, and returns the result to the ServiceNow instance in an XML payload.
The MID Server decides what command to execute, executes the command on the target device, and returns the result to the ServiceNow instance in an XML payload.
Service Mapping sends a request to the target device to execute a command, and the target device returns the result to the ServiceNow instance through the MID Server.
Service Mapping sends a request to the target device to execute a command, and the target device returns the result to the ServiceNow instance.
I opt for A! C,D is not option as the target device will never communicate with the instance directly. B is not an option to me as the MID server will not decide anything ;-)
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Highly Voted 4 months, 2 weeks agoParagSanyashiv
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