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Exam PSM II topic 1 question 183 discussion

Actual exam question from Scrum's PSM II
Question #: 183
Topic #: 1
[All PSM II Questions]

Marian is a Product Owner working on a Scrum Team on a new release for her product. Based on the average velocity of the previous release Marian estimated the project to take seven Sprints. Average velocity in the previous release was thirteen completed units of work per Sprint. Development is three Sprints underway, with four more Sprints to go until the release. Product Backlog has been stable.

Over the first three Sprints, the Developers report their average velocity is nine, while not having fully tested all the delivered functionality. The Developers estimate that the unfinished testing would have required 10% of a Sprint's time. The Developers believe that the required velocity of thirteen is within their reach. What is the most effective way to recover?

  • A. In the next Sprints, the Developers keep making sure that all of the selected scope per Sprint is as done as possible, at least at the past level of 90%. In every Sprint the undone work of the previous Sprint is estimated and added to the Sprint Backlog. It comes on top of the expected forecast of 13 units, so it does not mess up progress on the Product Backlog.
  • B. Transparency needs to be restored by adding the undone work to the Product Backlog. The Developers must figure out a way to deliver in the upcoming Sprints a velocity of not only 13 units of new work, but also two additional points to catch up undone work. It is the Scrum Master's duty to assess whether such repair is possible. If not, the Scrum Master initiates a restart with a more reliable team or cancels the project. The Scrum Master will have to inform the Product Owner and the stakeholders.
  • C. The Developers set the open work aside to be performed in one or more release Sprints. They remind Marian to find funding for enough Release Sprints in which this remaining work can be done. Up to one release Sprint per three development Sprints may be required. It is Marian's responsibility to inform users and stakeholders of the impact on the release date.
  • D. The Developers inform Marian that the progress she has perceived to date is not correct. The Increment is not releasable. They give Marian their estimate of the effort it would take to get the past work done, and suggest doing that work first before proceeding with new features. The Developers also re-estimate the effort to complete the remaining backlog, including all testing. In the end, it is Marian's call to continue the project or to cancel.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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6 months, 1 week ago
The answer is D, the Scrum master doesn't have a power to cancel the WHOLE project!
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: D
it has to be D
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
definitely D
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 1 month ago
100% D
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 2 months ago
Sorry?? The answer is clearly D!
upvoted 3 times
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C (25%)
B (20%)
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