How can you enforce an additional transaction start authorization check for a custom transaction?
Maintain the SU24 entry for the custom transaction and adding the desired authorization object, setting the Check Indicator to "Check" and setting Proposal to Yes.
Using transaction SE93, update the custom transaction definition by specifying the desired authorization object and maintaining the desired field values.
Without additional custom development it is not possible to add another check during transaction start.
For each role containing the custom transaction, add the desired authorization object manually in transaction PFCG, maintain the field values and then generate the profile.
Just adding an auth. object in SU24 does not means that the auth. object is checked during the execution of the transaction. The only way to have an additional authority check on an auth. object without change the ABAP code is to maintain the auth. object for the transaction in SE93.
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1 year, 9 months ago