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Exam Certified Platform App Builder topic 1 question 519 discussion

Actual exam question from Salesforce's Certified Platform App Builder
Question #: 519
Topic #: 1
[All Certified Platform App Builder Questions]

An app builder at Northern Trail Outfitters needs to change the data type of some custom fields. The org has already met the field limit on the object and would like to limit recreating fields.

What data type change limitations should the app builder consider?

  • A. Changing the data type of a field used in a report from text to an encrypted field
  • B. Changing the data type of a field used in an Apex class from number to text
  • C. Changing the data type of a field used in lead conversion from number to text
  • D. Changing the data type of a field used as an External ID from number to text
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years ago
ASNWER: ABC This question is similar to Question #99, except the scenario isn't asking about what answer would require an extra step. It's written more like a "Choose three" question, because it asks "What data type change limitations should the app builder consider?". Since there are three answers that contain limitations to consider and only one answer that contains a data type conversion that wouldn't have any problems (D), the other three answers must be what the question must be about. A. Changing the data type of a field used in a report from text to an encrypted field "...an existing custom field can’t be converted into an encrypted field nor can an encrypted field be converted into another data type." i.e. it can't be done without deleting and recreating the field which the app builder will NOT be doing in order to limit recreating fields as it states in the scenario. So, a problem to consider.
upvoted 8 times
2 years ago
B. Changing the data type of a field used in an Apex class from number to text "You can’t change the data type of a custom field referenced by other items in Setup such as Visualforce pages, Apex code, processes, or flows." This would require the extra step of removing all apex references, etc. and would therefore also be a problem to consider. C. Changing the data type of a field used in lead conversion from number to text "You can’t change the data type of any custom field that is mapped for lead conversion." A custom field mapped in lead conversion would need to be unmapped, converted, then mapped again. Again, a problem to consider. NOT: D. Changing the data type of a field used as an External ID from number to text "If you change the data type of a custom field that‘s set as an external ID, choosing a data type other than text, number, or email causes the field to no longer act as an external ID." This conversion causes no issue with the external id field acting as an external id field, so there is no problem to consider here.
upvoted 4 times
2 years ago
upvoted 2 times
Highly Voted 1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: D
upvoted 6 times
Most Recent 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: A
Please read the full comments by @docxdmd and @Jason_R
upvoted 1 times
2 months ago
Selected Answer: B
Its B, cause, the first one (A) needs to create a new field, the third one (C) it cant be done cause limits of salesforce, and the four one (D) hasnt problems. Finally the one who has sense is B, cause is posible to do the change and you have to manage the class where it is reference.
upvoted 1 times
7 months, 2 weeks ago
Answer is A, Salesforce doesnt provide option to change field type from text to encrypted, and forces us to create a new field. I have tried this.
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 5 months ago
Selected Answer: A
The important factor in the question is the limitation of field creation and there is only one answer that forces a new field to be created. A A) Requires a new field to be created. ---------------------------------------------------------- B) Requires rewriting APEX code but no new field needs to be created. C) Requires un-mapping, converting and remapping but NOT creating a new field. D) Is not a problem so no new fields need to be created. See Jason_R's explanation for each below.
upvoted 5 times
1 year, 12 months ago
A. Changing the data type of a field used in a report from text to an encrypted field B. Changing the data type of a field used in an Apex class from number to text The app builder should consider the following data type change limitations when changing the data type of a custom field: Changing the data type of a field used in a report from text to an encrypted field: This is not allowed as encrypted fields cannot be used in reports. If a field used in a report is changed to an encrypted field, the report will break and will need to be recreated. Changing the data type of a field used in an Apex class from number to text: This is not allowed as Apex code written to access the field data will break if the field data type is changed from a number to text. The Apex code will need to be modified to correctly handle the new text data type.
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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