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Exam Certified Advanced Administrator topic 1 question 256 discussion

Actual exam question from Salesforce's Certified Advanced Administrator
Question #: 256
Topic #: 1
[All Certified Advanced Administrator Questions]

Sales managers at Ursa Major Solar have asked for some additional automation around opportunity reminders. If the opportunity is in the Proposal stage a week before the close date, they want an email sent to the opportunity owner and manager. If the Budget Approved custom field is checked, the managers want to be notified immediately.

How should these requirements be met without using code?

  • A. Create a record-triggered flow with scheduled paths. Configure the trigger to flow before the record is saved.
  • B. Create a schedule-triggered flow for the Opportunity object. Configure the trigger to flow daily.
  • C. Create a schedule-triggered flow. Configure the trigger to flow weekly.
  • D. Create a record-triggered flow with scheduled paths. Configure the trigger to flow after the record is saved.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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3 weeks, 1 day ago
Selected Answer: D
For opportunities in the "Proposal" stage and a week before the close date, you can set up a scheduled path to check the conditions and send the email. You can add another immediate action to notify managers when the "Budget Approved" custom field is checked
upvoted 1 times
7 months ago
Selected Answer: D
D is answer
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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