A. Make the page the org default: This option sets the activated Lightning page as the default page for the entire organization.
B. Make the page the default homepage for specific roles: This option allows you to assign the activated Lightning page as the default homepage for specific roles within the organization.
E. Assign the page to a combination of apps and profiles: This option enables you to assign the activated Lightning page to a combination of specific apps and profiles, making it the default page for those assigned apps and profiles.
Why not A,D,E. I've checked it on the actual app builder there's not option to assign to a specific role.
upvoted 2 times
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3 months, 1 week agoIm_Him
4 months agoDeeDev
5 months, 4 weeks agowhoSaidThat
7 months, 3 weeks agojuduujuuuduuuu
7 months ago