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Exam Certified Data Architect topic 1 question 32 discussion

Actual exam question from Salesforce's Certified Data Architect
Question #: 32
Topic #: 1
[All Certified Data Architect Questions]

Universal Containers needs to load a large volume of leads into Salesforce on a weekly basis. During this process the validation rules are disabled.
What should a data architect recommend to ensure data quality is maintained in Salesforce?

  • A. Allow validation rules to be activated during the load of leads into Salesforce.
  • B. Develop a custom Batch Apex process to improve quality once the load is completed.
  • C. Activate validation rules once the leads are loaded into Salesforce to maintain quality.
  • D. Ensure the lead data is preprocessed for quality before loading into Salesforce.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Highly Voted 1 year, 2 months ago
activating the validation rules after will not help determine if the data uploaded is accurate. you'll have error when you try to update a record after the upload if validations rules are activated but you cannot be sure all records will be updated after the migration. so the correct answer is D
upvoted 5 times
Most Recent 4 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Bad question. Could be C or D, and it's a toss-up which one is better. I think C works slightly better. D makes it sound like the data is bad (and the validation rules previously used don't work) and therefore the data needs to be pre-processed prior to loading. I would select this if they had bad data with no validation rules, but the question doesn't suggest that. It is a best practice to disable apex triggers, workflows, and validation rules when working with LDV, which is what's happening in this case. So it's good that they disabled validation for the load, and to maintain it going forward, they need to re-enable it, which is why I think C works best.
upvoted 1 times
4 months ago
oh never mind I see. D is the answer. The data we are uploading could be unstructured data, we don't know if the data we're importing is good. The question doesn't specify that. so we should pre-process first.
upvoted 1 times
11 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: D
D is correct. Preprocessing the data so that you can leave the validation rules on without hitting them is the best route. This would also cover off on system required fields. Not A, while you do want your validation rules to be active, the import will still fail without cleansing the data. Not B. How would a batch apex process know how to clean the data for current and future validation rules? Not C, you don't want to disable validation rules for routine loads. When the rules are off, end users could manipulate data that violates the validation rules. If you need to resort to disabling validation rules and triggers, you need to lock the users out of the system to maintain data quality.
upvoted 4 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: D
Agree, that's D
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 2 months ago
I think correct option is C. While uploading large data, you need to disable validation and then activate to maintain the data quality. It does not that data is processed before uploading.
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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