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Exam Certified Advanced Administrator topic 1 question 216 discussion

Actual exam question from Salesforce's Certified Advanced Administrator
Question #: 216
Topic #: 1
[All Certified Advanced Administrator Questions]

Cloud Kicks (CK) has a sneaker maintenance plan that it includes with all orders for its new line of Bluetooth-enabled custom sneakers. The sneaker maintenance plan gives each customer 6 months of phone support in case they have issues with their new sneakers. The administrator at CK is having a hard time keeping up with the work associated with managing the maintenance plan.

What should the administrator do to help manage the plan?

  • A. Create a support process for the maintenance plan.
  • B. Use Flow to automatically create and assign entitlements.
  • C. Ensure milestones are in place for the maintenance plan.
  • D. Set up and configure entitlement templates.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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Highly Voted 4 months, 3 weeks ago
D. Set up and configure entitlement templates. To help manage the sneaker maintenance plan, the administrator at CK should set up and configure entitlement templates. Entitlements are used to specify the level of support that customers receive. Entitlement templates can be set up to automatically provide customers with specific levels of support based on criteria such as their purchase history or the type of product they have purchased. In this case, the administrator could set up an entitlement template specifically for the sneaker maintenance plan, which would automatically provide customers with 6 months of phone support when they purchase the Bluetooth-enabled custom sneakers. This would help to reduce the amount of manual work required to manage the maintenance plan, as the entitlements would be automatically created and assigned based on the purchase of the sneakers.
upvoted 5 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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