Given a list of Opportunity records named opportunityList, which code snippet is best for querying all Contacts of the Opportunity's Account?
List <Contact> contactList = new List <Contact>(); for(Opportunity o : opportunityList){ Account a = [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Id = :o.AccountId] contactList.addAll(a.Contacts); )
List <Contact> contactList = new List <Contact>(); Set <Id> accountIds = new Set <Id> (); for (Opportunity o : opportunityList){ contactIds.add(o.ContactId); } for(Contact c : [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :contactIds]){ contactList.add(c); }
List <Contact> contactList = new List <Contact>(); Set <Id> accountIds = new Set <Id> (); for(Opportunity o : opportunityList){ accountIds.add(o.AccountId); } for(Account a : [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Id IN :accountIds]){ contactList.addAll(a.Contacts); }
List <Contact> contactList = new List <Contact>(); for ( Contact c : [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN :opportunityList.AccountId] ){ contactList.add(c); }
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6 months, 3 weeks agoMetaLojiqTee
1 year, 3 months agoSimon28
1 year, 4 months agocostansin
1 year, 8 months ago