Suggested Answer:See explanation below.
# fdisk /dev/sda p (check Partition table) n (create new partition: press e to create extended partition, press p to create the main partition, and the extended partition is further divided into logical partitions)
Enter - +2G t 8 I 82
W - partx -a /dev/sda partprobe mkswap /dev/sda8
Copy UUID - swapon -a vim /etc/fstab UUID=XXXXX swap swap defaults 0 0 (swapon -s)
fdisk /dev/sdX
n (new)
p (primary)
partprobe or reboot
free -m
mkswap /dev/sdX1
echo "/dev/sdX1 swap swap default 0 0"
swapon -a
free -m
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3 months agolgu
2 years, 4 months agokitkat
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