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Exam EX200 topic 1 question 54 discussion

Actual exam question from RedHat's EX200
Question #: 54
Topic #: 1
[All EX200 Questions]

One Domain RHCE is configured in your lab, your domain server is server1.example.com. nisuser2001, nisuser2002, nisuser2003 user are created on your server Make sure that when NIS user login in your system automatically mount the home directory. Home directory is separately shared on server /rhome/stationx/ where x is your Station number.

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Suggested Answer: See explanation below.
use the authconfig --nisserver=<NIS SERVER> --nisdomain=<NIS DOMAIN> -- update
Example: authconfig --niserver= --nisdomain=RHCE --update or system-config-authentication

Click on Enable NIS -

Type the NIS Domain: RHCE -
Type Server then click on next and ok
You will get a ok message.
Create a Directory /rhome/stationx where x is your station number. vi /etc/auto.master and write at the end of file /rhome/stationx /etc/auto.home --timeout=60 vi /etc/auto.home and write
* -rw,soft,intr
Note: please specify your station number in the place of x.

Service autofs restart -
Login as the nisuser2001 or nisuser2002 on another terminal will be Success. According to question, RHCE domain is already configured. We have to make a client of RHCE domain and automatically mount the home directory on your system. To make a member of domain, we use the authconfig with option or system- config authentication command. There a are lots of authentication server i.e NIS, LDAB, SMB etc. NIS is a RPC related Services, no need to configure the DNS, we should specify the NIS server address.
Here Automount feature is available. When user tried to login, home directory will automatically mount. The automount service used the /etc/auto.master file. On
/etc/auto.master file we specified the mount point the configuration file for mount point.


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3 months, 2 weeks ago
For those say it is NOT covered in the exam are WRONG..it is and relates to autofs – the questions is NOT well worded. NOTES: on hosting server i.e. nfs-server does have either Directory server or identity management role installed those roles are like Microsoft AD and you DO NOT have to worry about either as the username and password are provided for you and authentication will happen via hosting server that host the home directories of the users you are configuring on another server. However you don’t need to worry about directory or management roles and can do either to simulate similar scenario Either: ON server 1 => Hosting server Create user account as per below follow below
upvoted 1 times
3 months, 2 weeks ago
 Useradd -d /rhome/stationx /nisuser2001 -u 55443 nisuser2001; echo “password” | passwd –stdin nisuser2001 (this account needs be created on server 2 exactly same way) x is for your workstation number in the exam we assume 20 in here  OR when you create directory /rhome/station20 change the permissions to as here chmod -R ugo+rwx /rhome/station20 => this allows others to have full access and hence they can access the directory without the need for above step [create user] follow below
upvoted 1 times
3 months, 2 weeks ago
MUST do on server 1  Dnf install nfs-utils **autofs is optional**  Add the to file /etc/exports like this o /rhome/station20 IPadrr_of_your_server(rw,no_root_squash) o Systemctl enable –now nfs-server o Systemctl status nfs-server (ensure running and no issues)  Create directory => mkdir -p /rhome/station/nisuser{2001..2004} if you accommodating 4 users otherwise increase or decrease the number 4..Now make sure you changed permissions as per above follow below
upvoted 1 times
3 months, 2 weeks ago
 Firewall-cmd - -add-services={rpc-bind,nfs,mounted} - -perm  Firewall-cmd - -reload  Firewall-cmd - -list-services and ensure the above 3 services are included  Showmount -e and make sure you see something like this / rhome/station20 IPaddress_of_Your_server  DONE with server1 (Most likely you will NOT need do this in exam as server 1 will be already configured for you – server 2 U MUST DO ALL) follow below
upvoted 1 times
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Server 2  Dnf install autofs nfs-utils  Systemctl enable - -now autofs; systemctl status autofs (ensure all good)..no need for nfs to run  Vim /etc/auto.master => below this line [/misc /etc/auto.misc ] add this line /rhome/station20 /etc/auto.station20 (you can name auto.station20 file anything you like as long as it is meaningful and also I don’t like to edit the existing file auto.misc – use it as example and backup and tidiness)  Now edit file / etc/auto.station20 and add this line to it, * -rw,soft,sync server1_IP_addres:/rhome/station20/& follow below
upvoted 1 times
3 months, 2 weeks ago
 Systemctl restart autofs (ensure all good)  Useradd -d /rhome/station20 /nisuser2001 -u 55443 nisuser2001; echo “password” | passwd –stdin nisuser2001 [same as in first steps on server1] – remember in exam username and password are provided for you so use them as either directory server or identity management server roles are already setup  Now use the user account you created above and ssh $ ssh nisuser2001@localhost => put password and this should now login you in and your home directory is on server1 => pwd should show /rhome/station20/nisuser2001 to test you can create file on servver2 and go to server1 and check file is in the directory NOTE: remember linux autofs is similar to windows ADFS or userhome redirection on file server but ofcourse LINUX is much better with far less BUGS 😊 Linux Rules…
upvoted 1 times
3 years, 10 months ago
If I am not wrong, the command, authconfig is gone for rhel 8.
upvoted 4 times
4 years ago
So is this question for RHCSE? Because it says that the domain is configured for RHCE. Im confused?
upvoted 1 times
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