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Exam EX300 topic 2 question 8 discussion

Actual exam question from RedHat's EX300
Question #: 8
Topic #: 2
[All EX300 Questions]

Configure Multi-User Mount -
Share the directory /devops through SMB on the systeml, as required:
1. Share name is devops
2. The shared directory devops just can be used by clients in domain11.example.com
3. The shared directory devop must be able to be browsed
4. User silene must can be able to access this share through read, access code is redhat
5. User akira must can be able to access this share through read and write, access code is redhat
6. This share permanently mount to system2. domain11.example.com the user /mnt/dev, make user silene as authentication any users can get temporary write permissions from akira

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Suggested Answer: See Explanation
mkdir /devops
chcon -R -t samba_share_t /devops/
chmod o+w /devops/
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
path = /devops
hosts allow = 172.24.11.
browseable = yes
writable = no
write list = akira
systemctl restart smb
smbpasswd -a silene
smbpasswd -a akira
mkdir /mnt/dev
smbclient -L /system1/ -U silene
vim /etc/fstab
//system1/devops /mnt/dev cifs
defaults,multiuser,username=silene,password=redhat,sec=ntlmssp 0 0 df hT


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6 months, 3 weeks ago
when relabeling a share with a selinux context label it is better to use semanage instead of chcon
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