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Exam QSDA2024 topic 1 question 35 discussion

Actual exam question from QlikView's QSDA2024
Question #: 35
Topic #: 1
[All QSDA2024 Questions]

Refer to the exhibit.

A large transport company (Company A) acquires a smaller rival (Company B).
Company A has been using Qlik Sense for 6 years to track revenue per ship journey. Ship journeys with no revenue (such as journeys to shipyards for repair) always show revenue of $0.
Company A wants to combine its data set with the data set of the acquired Company B. Company B's ship journey data shows $0 revenue in one of the following ways:
• A NULL value
• A value with one or more blank spaces (ASCII char code 32)
The data architect wants to conform the Company B data to the Company A standard, specifically regarding the use of an explicit $0 for journeys without revenue. Which script line should the data architect use?

  • A. money ( replace(Revenue, chr(32), 0) ) AS [Revenue Conformed]
  • B. if (len (trim(Revenue) ) < 1,="" money(0),="" revenue="" )="" as="" [revenue="" conformed]="" 1, ="" money(0),="" revenue="" )="" as="" [revenue="" />
  • C. money ( replace(Revenue, Null(), 0) ) AS [Revenue Conformed]
  • D. replace(Revenue, chr(32), money(0) ) AS [Revenue Conformed]
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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1 month, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
D. replace(Revenue, chr(32), money(0)) AS [Revenue Conformed] : Cette ligne est la plus adaptée. Elle remplace les espaces vides (ASCII code 32) par la valeur money(0) (qui représente un 0 formaté en tant que valeur monétaire). Elle est simple et conforme aux règles de transformation des données.
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B (20%)
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