Question was 6 or more.if he consider 7 word string then ans was A.if he consider 6 words string then answer was B
>>> str = 'examtop'
>>> str[1:-2]
print(string[1:-2]): Print the slice of string from index 1 (inclusive) to the second-to-last index (exclusive).
The slice includes characters from index 1 to index -3.
B. 3. Analyze these three cases and it will be easily visible that it always 3:
if the string has 6 letters, the ans is B, if we keep on increasing the length of string, the output string length will also increase.
for example:
>>> str = '1234567'
>>> str[1:-2]
>>> str = '12345678'
>>> str[1:-2]
input 7 letter string--output 4 letter
input 8 letter string--output 5 letter
the -2 portion of the slice means that the sliced string will always proportionally increase in size as well compared to the original string. It only ever slices up to the last 2 characters in the string.
the question is asking for the difference in length between the original string and the sliced string. So you have to subtract the length of the slice from the original. Youll find its 3 every time
If the word has 6 letters, for example
The answer is B, which is 3 chars
If the word has 7 letters then the answer is 4 chars
The answer is A, it has 4 chars
There is not a right answer on here because it really depends on how long the string is. If it has six letters then print will produce three of those letters. It'll increase depending on how many letters are in the string.
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